ORSC Meeting Dates

Meetings of the State Steering Committee are open to the fellowship and are scheduled for the following dates

Saturday, August 24, 2024,

4:30 p.m.(at the Roundup)

Sunday, November 24, 2024,
1 p.m.

Sunday, February 23, 2025, 1 p.m.

Sunday, June 1, 2025, 1 p.m.

Ohio Roundup State Steering Committee officers and the area delegates:
Chair: Richard M.
Vice Chair: open
Treasurer: Judy F.
Alt Treasurer: Matthew P.
Secretary: Erik B.
Alt Secretary: Kate J.
Canton: Raymond S. (alt: open)
Cincinnati: Meg H. (alt: open)
Cleveland: Harry S. (alt: Dan F. )
Columbus: Andy D. (alt: Tyler B. )
Dayton: Red (Chris) N. (alt: open)
Toledo: Julia C. (alt: Jym S.)
Non-voting Service Positions
Archivist: Barb H.
Immediate Past Chair: Judy F.
Website: Gerry P.
Committeee email: admin@ohioroundup.org

If any of the above info is incorrect or out-of-date
please email gkpyle@gmail.com